According to a couple of studies, men don’t actually think about sex once every seven seconds. That was a relieve, I was starting to think that something was wrong with me, as I sometimes manage to go for sometime without thinking about it. But then the first study says that men think 19 times per day […]
Apple Swift
Apple launched a new programming language called swift. After s quick look at the docs, the language seems to deserve a second deeper look. There are several things on it that look interesting. But for now, there is one example from the documentation I need to share with you: var occupations = [ “Malcolm”: “Captain”, […]
the Codeless Code: Feedback
At breakfast the visiting novice monk sat next to one of the senior abbots. “Why are there so few women in this temple?” asked the novice monk. “Because very few girls apply for admittance anymore,” replied the abbot. “Why is that?” asked the novice monk. “Because it is widely known that most girls do not […]
The law
“Every Time You Break the Law You Pay, and Every Time You Obey the Law You Pay.” Quote from John Gardner. It’s an interesting one, that will most likely result in a longer post soon.
Have you been to this meeting?
I have the feeling that when this post is published I’ll be in a meeting that have everything to go pretty much like this one. I truly hope that we manage to find a solution that works for everyone and that is way better that what we are going into this meeting with. As Seth […]
Andrius Kovelinas
While looking for an image for a post that will be published here tomorrow around lunch (and that I ended not using) I found Andrius Kovelinas portfolio (I don’t think this is an official portfolio, but it’s the best I could get. But, the point is that if I’m ever going to spend 4 […]
I love you more than you’ll ever know – Gary Moore
Hats in a head
Everybody have more than one role in life. But most of the time we are just performing one of those roles, and change the hat we are using several times along the day. If we are lucky we sleep being just ourselves, resting, without dreaming about anything strange – sometimes one or more of our […]
Spring 2013
Today is the first day of spring. The temperature is around zero Celsius and the sun almost didn’t show up.
For me this have being lunch most work days in the last two years.